Best Acupuncture Points Based on
Zi Wu Liu Zhu Method


About Zhi Wu Liu Zhu and Our Expectation


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has thousands years of long history. It is also a member of the magnificent treasure of the world's medicine. In recent years, ... Chinese medicine has gradually moved from the Asia-Pacific region to the world and has become a treatment method accepted by more and more patients in the world. TCM is broad and profound, with many branches. Unfortunately, some of this long history has been lost. Some are unknown or even not familiar to Chinese medicine practitioners. Zi Wu Liu Zhu acupuncture method is one of the branches which have been developed in Song Dynasty to treat patients more effectively based on the patient’s biological clock. It is now used less and less due to complicated calculation and inconvenience to use. In order to save it and introduce it to the world, we have established this website. This website digitalized the complicated calculations involved in Zi Wu Liu Zhu Na-Gan method and Ling-Gui-Ba-Fa method. We hope this website can do her part for inheriting and developing Chinese medicine and for Chinese medicine to go globally faster and easier.

Zi Wu Liu Zhu, some people call this the "biological clock", which means that the twelve meridians in the human body correspond to twelve consecutive time period a day. Because the hours are changing, days are changing, seasons are changing, the energy (qi) and blood in different meridians are also abundant and decline at different times. Human being is an integral part of nature, and his lifestyle should conform to the laws of nature. Modern time biology proves that human life phenomena and physiological activities have relatively stable temporal rhythms, including seasonal, day and night rhythms. It reflects the close connection between human being and the nature. The Zi Wu Liu Zhu describes how the qi and blood fluctuate through a person's twelve meridians over the 24 hours a day. It predicts how the qi and blood affect the internal organs through the interlock between the internal organs of the human body and the twelve meridians. To do acupuncture based on Zi Wu Liu Zhu is to adjust the patient’s biological clock. It can make the treatment much more effective.

中医源远流长, 有着几千年的历史, 也是瑰丽的世界医学宝库的一员。 近些年来, ...中医已逐渐地从亚太地区走向世界, 成为被更多患者 接受的一种治疗手段。中医博大精深,分支众多。 不幸的是, 在历史传承漫漫长河中,有些已经失传了。 有些不为人知,甚至不为中医人士所熟悉。子午流注(纳干法)就是其中的一个。子午流注针刺法,是宋代 针灸家根据人的生命节律创造出来的一种防治疾病简单有效的方法。但是,由于该方法艰涩难学,计算方法复杂, 致使应用非常困难。为了保存和记载这一中医的分支并介绍给世界,我们建立了这个网站。这个网站把复杂的 子午流注纳干法和灵龟八法的算法数字化。希望她能够为传承和发展中医, 为中医走向世界尽一份力量。

子午流注, 有人称此为“生物钟”,就是指人体中的十二条经脉对应着每日的十二个时辰。由于时辰在变,日月在变, 四季在变,因而不同经脉中的气血在不同的时辰也有盛有衰。人是大自然的组成部分,人的生活习惯应该符合自然规律。 现代时间生物学证明,人体生命现象、生理活动都具有相对稳定的时间节律性,包括季节、昼夜等节律。它反映出人 与自然的密切联系。子午流注就是把人的十二条经脉在十二个时辰中的盛衰规律,有序地联系起来,又通过人体的 五脏六腑与十二经脉相配的关系,预测出某脏腑经络的气血在某个时辰的盛或衰。子午流注针灸法就是用针灸方法 按照气血的盛或衰来进行治病,来调节人体的生物钟,使治病有了更强的针对性,从而达到事半功倍的效果.

How to Use 如何使用

This website is aimed to help all the acupuncturists, all the people who have studied or are studying Zi Wu Liu Zhu, including Na-Gan method and Ling-Gui-Ba-Fa method, and all the people who love to use acupuncture to help other people. The point(s) and dates are calculated based on the clinically commonly used Zi Wu Liu Zhu method mentioned in the Reference 3. ...

  1. Current Best Point: “Click and Get the Best Points” button is for users to get the best acupuncture point(s) to use at the time the button is pressed. After the button is pressed, the time when the button is pressed and the calculated point(s) are shown below the button. This page is mostly used when you want to make sure the best point(s) is/are included in your treatment when your patient comes in.

  2. Select Time Best Point: This page allows the user to select the time and date needed, and then click on “Click and Get the Best Points” button to get the best acupuncture point(s) to use at the chosen date and time. After the button is pressed, the selected time range, the date and the calculated point(s) are shown below the button. This page is mostly used when you make treatment plan to make sure the best point(s) will be included in your plan at the designed time.

  3. Best Appointment Time: Based on the selected point and date, this page can calculate the two best dates and times that are closest from the selected date. Therefore, the user can first select the acupuncture point to be used and the closest date before the next appointment, and then click the "Click and Get the Best Appointment Times" button to get the best calculated dates and times. The selected acupuncture point(s) and the two best dates and times are displayed below the button after the button is pressed. Usually when you know the acupuncture point(s) you want to use based on the symptoms of your patient, this page can be used to help you to find the patient's next best appointment date and time to ensure that you use the point(s) at the best time to treat your patient.

该网站旨在帮助所有针灸师们,所有子午流注纳干法的研究人员,以及 所有热爱用针灸帮助别人的人们。在这里所有的穴位,日期和时间都是用临床常用的子午流注纳干法中六六反克开穴表(见参考资料3) 和八卦配八穴计算的。 ...

  1. 现时最佳穴位:点击“按键得现时最佳穴位”键你可得到按键时的最佳穴位。按键后,按键的时间和 最佳穴位显示在键的下方。通常当你准备开始为你的病人治疗时,你按此键得到此时此刻的子午流注最佳穴位,确保用此穴 为你的病人治疗从而达到最佳效果。

  2. 选时最佳穴位:在此页用户可选择所需要的日期和时间,然后点击“按键得选时最佳穴位”键得到所 选择日期和时间的最佳穴位。按键后时间和最佳穴位显示在键的下方。此页通常用来确保你在做治疗计划时包括彼时彼刻的最佳穴位。

  3. 最佳预约时间:根据患者病症,当针灸师需要选用某个穴位时,此页可以计算出从选择的日期开始的两个 最接近的最佳日期和时间。 所以用户可以先选择要使用的穴位,以及下一次预约之前几天的最接近日期,然后点击“按键得最佳预约时间” 键得到反算出的最佳预约日期和时间。按键后所选的穴位和两个最佳日期和时间显示在键的下方。通常当你知道需要针灸的穴位时, 此页可用来帮你找到病人的下一个最佳预约日期和时间来确保你在最佳的日期和时间用最佳穴位为你的病人治疗。

Question and Answer 问答

  1. Q: Should the Zi Wu Liu Zhu point(s) be needled before or after I needle other acupuncture point(s), or does it matter?

    A: Generally speaking, there is no order relationship. Just use it. But if the needles you want to use are in order, for example, 13 ghost points, when you do them in order, don't put the point of Zi Wu Liu Zhu in the middle, just put it in front or back. However if you do 13 ghost points but you don't do them in a certain order, it doesn't matter. You can add Zi Wu Liu Zhu point(s) anytime you want.

  2. Q: If there are two or more acupuncture points listed at a certain hour, are all acupuncture points should be used?

    A: If more than one acupuncture point can be opened at a certain time, you can use any one or several or all of them. Of course, if you can choose acupuncture points according to the patient's symptoms, the effect will be better.

  3. Q: Should the acupuncture points in the table be used bilaterally, (on both sides of the body)?

    A: It is more effective to use both sides. But if it is inconvenient, using one side is okay.

  4. Q: In the Na-Gan method,If there are multiple points to open at a time, is there a sequence requirement?

    A: there is no order has to be followed. They can be in any order.

  5. Q: In the Na-Gan method, what does it mean if some acupuncture points listed have brackets?

    A: Based on the Reference 3, those points are the points back calculated by modern acupuncture doctors using newly developed theory, not developed by the original definition back 800 years ago.

  6. Q: When I needle those points, do I need to pay attention to needling method, such as tonification or reduction method?

    A: No specific methods needed when needle those points. You can do tonification method, reduction method, or neither of them based on what your patient needs.

  7. Q: How to use Ling-Gui-Ba-Fa method to help patients?

    A: Ling-Gui-Ba-Fa uses the body’s biological clock theory combined with the eight confluent points of the extraordinary vessels to boost the Qi and blood in the body. They are usually used in pairs to help solve the discomfort at certain part of the body. It is as said in the acupuncture poem developed more than eight hundred years ago as:

    SP4 and PC6: for discomforts at stomach, heart, chest, and along Penetrating (Chong) and Yin linking (Yin wei) channels.
    GB41 and SJ5: for discomforts at eye outer canthus, and along Girdling (Dai), Yang linking (Yang wei), and Gall Bladder channels.
    SI3 and BL62: for discomforts at neck, eye inner canthus, and along Governing (Du), and Yang motility (Yang qiao) channels.
    LU7 and KI6: for discomforts at lung, diaphragm, throat, and along Conception (Ren), and Yin motility (Yin qiao) channels.

  8. Q: When I choose the best appointment time, how do I know if it is AM or PM?

    A: The time presented on this website is the local time shown in 24-hour clock format. For example, 2 clock in the afternoon (2pm) is presented as 14:00.

  1. 问:请问这个子午流注穴位先针还是在扎完别的穴位针法后再加上?

    答:一般来讲没有顺序关系。只要用上就行。但是如果你要扎的针是有顺序的,比如说13鬼穴,当你按顺序做的时候,那就不要把这个 子午流注的穴夹在中间,放在前头后面都可以。如果你即使扎13鬼穴但你不按顺序做,那就没关系,你随便把子午流注穴加在哪里都可以。

  2. 问:如果某一时辰是有两个或两个以上可开穴位的话,所有穴位都用上吗?


  3. 问:开穴表中的穴位是双侧都做吗?

    答:用双侧会更有效。但如果不方便 单侧也可以。

  4. 问:请问在纳甲法中,如果有多个穴位开穴的话,请问有顺序要求吗?


  5. 问:请问在纳甲法中,有的时辰可开的穴位带括号是什么意思?

    答:根据《参考资料3》那些带括号的开穴点是现代针灸医生们根据六六反克开穴法计算出来的。而不是在800年前的原始计算方法中 定义出来的。

  6. 问:请问选取穴位后,需要用不同的补泄手法吗?

    答:扎子午流注穴位本身 不需要任何手法。但你可以根据别人情况用不同的补,泄,平手法。

  7. 问:如何用灵龟八法帮助病人?

    答:灵龟八法是按九宫八风理论,应用奇经八脉交会穴位按时间规律来帮助气血在身体里的运行。八脉交会穴可以更有效地身体 不同部位的问题。如八脉交会八穴歌所说:公孙冲脉胃心胸,内关阴维下总同,临泣胆经连带脉,阳维目锐外关逢,后溪督脉内眦项, 申脉阳跷络也通,列缺任脉行肺系,阴跷照海膈喉咙。

  8. 问:请问当我选择最佳预约时间时,如何知道是上午还是下午?

    答:本网站上显示的时间是当地时间,以24小时制显示。 例如,下午2点表示为14:00。

Reference 参考资料

  1. Li Wang, Li Gu, “Schedule an Appointment Based on Zi Wu Liu Zhu-Na Gan Method,” International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture, vol. 15, Number 4, 2006, p. 263
  2. Li Wang, Li Gu, Barb Fowlds, “An Easy Way to Use Zi Wu Liu Zhu-Na Gan Method,” International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture, vol. 15, Number 3, 2006, p. 183
  3. 李友林, 刘清国,“最佳时间针灸精义”, 学苑出版社,北京, 中国, 2003 第2版, p.165 (Youlin Li and Qingguo Liu, “Best Timing for Acupuncture,” Academy Press, Beijing, China 2003, p165)
  4. Li Gu, “A Simple Gan Zhi Calculation Method,” Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine, vol. 3, 1987, p. 38 (in Chinese)

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